Wednesday, June 1, 2011

uzi submachine gun

uzi submachine gun. The Uzi submachine gun is
  • The Uzi submachine gun is

    Nov 14, 12:51 PM
    As of today at 1800 GMT+1, Klm stated that they had preliminary talks but were no where near to closing the deal. source.

    uzi submachine gun. Wallpapers / uzi - sub machine
  • Wallpapers / uzi - sub machine

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 5, 06:03 PM
    Fair enough. How did you get onto the subject of the Mac line in in a thread about the iDevice 30 pin connector?

    Read the thread. This particular conversation spawned from someone saying they needed to buy adaptors for their Mac.

    uzi submachine gun. an Uzi submachine gun.
  • an Uzi submachine gun.

  • nuckinfutz
    Sep 15, 12:11 AM
    Dont you think that chip would be a little to hot... . Well, I fully agree with OS X being the best. But the OS and the quality apps are all that is going for apple. Apple lacks speed, but I cant blame apple for that (stupid moto :rolleyes, but I can blame them for not dumping moto a long time ago. If apple computer were just as fast as PCs there is no way I would think about getting near a 'peecee', but they arent as fast ...

    What are you doing that requires so much speed. Do you bill clients by the hour? Do you continually render files that take hours? I'm curious to know why people who harp about speed really need it.

    It's one thing to be able to attach earning to the speed of a computer but quite another to want a fast computer just for bragging rights.

    uzi submachine gun. UZI Sub-Machine Gun - Das
  • UZI Sub-Machine Gun - Das

  • eobet
    Apr 30, 10:14 AM
    I get a 403 when I try to download it... :mad:


    uzi submachine gun. Uzi submachine gun
  • Uzi submachine gun

  • RaceTripper
    Jan 14, 08:26 PM
    I'm puzzled by why these apps all just tout iPhone compatibility. Why not also the iPad?

    I have an iPad with 3G and the built-in map sucks (compared to my real Garmin Nuvi). I'd pay to have good navigation on it. So why the hate from Garmin?

    I think I have the hardware, don't I? I can receive 3G data, which also means my iPad has GPS. Isn't that enough?

    Navigon has full support for the iPad, and you don't have to buy separate versions for iPhone and iPad.

    uzi submachine gun. UZI VOLTRAN UZI Submachine Gun
  • UZI VOLTRAN UZI Submachine Gun

  • peacenfunk
    Apr 5, 10:55 AM
    Even though this is most likely faked no one can be 100% sure, do you think they would drop the 8gb and go with 32gb, 64gb and 128gb as the models?


    uzi submachine gun. Airsoft Gun
  • Airsoft Gun

  • whooleytoo
    Sep 27, 05:58 AM
    You're pretty close to nailing it there - in truth, they're still sheep and zealots, terms that imply a lack of ability to think for oneself and an over-the-top reaction when someone else makes up, or changes, their mind for them. It's the same morons, they just rush to extremes no matter what.

    Woah, woah, woah.

    First of all, the "cease and desist" letter wasn't posted here until the second page of the thread, hence all we had to go on was the other sites' reports. (And even I missed that one post until just now).

    And even having read that letter, I'm still opposed to Apple's moves and intentions here. They're still trying to trademark the word "Pod", which I think is utterly farcical.

    Never mind the delicious irony in Apple objecting to the phonetic similarity between iPod and MyPodder, when iPod was obviously chosen to leverage the phonetic similarity with a familiar word ("tripod") - could MyPodder not argue they were doing likewise? Never mind the fact that the Apple name was 'borrowed' from another company, and was the name of one of its products ("Classic") was taken verbatim from another company.

    uzi submachine gun. uzi machine gun.
  • uzi machine gun.

  • Eric S.
    Apr 26, 12:53 PM
    I guess they will provide two options:
    [1] A flash Drives in the retail packaging.
    [2] Mac App Store download for Snow Leopard owners.

    Plus a DVD.


    uzi submachine gun. Uzi submachine gun
  • Uzi submachine gun

  • rpenzinger
    Apr 5, 09:57 AM
    and in september iPad 3 will move to #1 spot putting iPad 2 in second and original iPad in 3rd. And in 2012 iPad 4 will move to first...but i digress.

    First off, leave my post alone.
    Secondly you will see iPad 3 as early as September if competition is stiff. Only if iPad 2 retains major market share will Apple will delay release of iPad 3 until 2012, thus extending revenues from iPad 2.

    uzi submachine gun. Uzi Machine Gun.
  • Uzi Machine Gun.

  • adamfilip
    Nov 2, 08:59 AM
    Glad to see Apple's share is increasing
    Everyone deserves to use a Mac (if they choose too)

    and the more Macs around the more people will see them
    they more they see. the more they are aware of them.


    uzi submachine gun. Royalty Free Stock Image: UZI Submachine Gun
  • Royalty Free Stock Image: UZI Submachine Gun

  • yetanotherdave
    Nov 6, 05:37 AM
    You already use cards, which are trackable, stop whining, give us the option for ultra convenience, They'll still let you pay in cash if you choose!

    uzi submachine gun. 11 Israeli Uzi Submachine Gun
  • 11 Israeli Uzi Submachine Gun

  • fishmoose
    Apr 14, 01:40 PM
    Let's see if this one stays, Papermaster from IBM didn't last long so I'm curios to see if a former Microsoft person does fit in.


    uzi submachine gun. a Mini Uzi Sub Machine Gun
  • a Mini Uzi Sub Machine Gun

  • saving107
    Oct 6, 10:39 AM
    No way in hell. They've already asked their developers to change app resolutions once. 3 screen sizes will never fly with developers.

    99.999% likelihood of this being total nonsense.

    its possible to have a 10" iPad and a 7" inch iPad, as long as they both have the same resolution, screen size doesn't really matter to developers, they wouldn't have to change anything on their apps. Same goes for the iPhone/iPod touch, Apple could have multiple screen sizes, but still keep the same resolution for all of their devices.

    that being said, I don't believe Apple will make multiple sizes.

    uzi submachine gun. a Mini Uzi Sub Machine Gun
  • a Mini Uzi Sub Machine Gun

  • mkrishnan
    Nov 11, 03:22 PM

    Did you actually type those unicode code by unicode code? :eek: :(

    EDIT: Woah, and how come I can quote it without it being mucked up??? 何でや?


    uzi submachine gun. Uzi Submachine Gun.
  • Uzi Submachine Gun.

  • doctor-don
    Jun 14, 09:55 AM
    As opposed to what, the new CDMA iPhone? As was stated by screensaver400 it would be much easier to add a 1700 band than redesign for CDMA (though numerous rumors have suggested that Apple is preparing a CDMA iPhone.)

    As for carriers, look what the iPhone does to networks, both here and abroad. How much complaining do you hear about AT&T and O2 as exclusive carriers? The huge strain on their networks balances out the publicity and business they've gotten from being the sole cell companies offering the iPhone. The unlimited data plan castration will follow the iPhone wherever it goes. It could make a comeback as networks improve, but I doubt it because bandwidth expansion is accompanied with larger/more complex files.

    Add an iPhone potentially video conferencing over 3g plus multitasking and no carrier would be willing to shoulder that data load.

    What people should keep in mind is that once another carrier is working with the iPhone, that decrease in usability (strain on their networks) will become an increase in usability as the additional users are spread over more carriers.

    uzi submachine gun. Here are some great links to
  • Here are some great links to

  • avkills
    Sep 22, 06:40 AM
    Ok, so Intel has the Itanium, well they have the Itanium2 I guess if you want to get super current, so what! The Itanium is based on a brand new design that looks good on paper, but Intel will be the first to admit it has not performed as good as they hoped.

    Sun, IBM and SGI have had 64bit processors way before Intel. So if you say the Itanium is ok for the high-end consumer, then It's safe to say that a Sun Ultra10 or a SGI Octane would also be a high-end consumer machine.

    What makes you so sure that a 16 processor G4 machine would not perform, because of the bus speed. What about super high-end servers like the CM5 or the Cray T3D. I seriously doubt those machines have 500Mhz bus speeds, or DDR memory. I know for a fact that the CM5 had dedicated memory for each processor node, and each node had 2 vector units. If you want, I can find out specifics from my brother, who has actually programmed code for it, when he worked at Las Alamos. Whether a 16 processor G4 machine is relevant or not, it could be built and if built right, would be very fast.

    So the .NET family is limited to 32 processors huh....Weak, very weak. You can say what you want, UNIX still scales better than Windows, no matter what the flavor.

    In my opinion, Microsoft is beginning to die a slow painful death. Everyone is tired of their ************ and half-assed attempts of secure computing. Everyone always complains that Macs are not open enough, well I think the opposite is true. Apple embraces open standards and even invents and shares them when none exist, while Microsoft shuns and sometimes even steals others work, in a attempt to push their own proprietary formats and stifle progress.

    I find it funny that Intel invented USB, but it was Apple that took the leap of faith and pushed it into the mainstream. Apple, in my opinion is the only company thinking "outside the box" and in the end, they will win because of it.



    uzi submachine gun. Submachine gun quot;Uziquot; with
  • Submachine gun quot;Uziquot; with

  • rodpascoe
    Sep 25, 10:42 AM
    Can't believe aperture doesn't support more RAW types yet.

    Until it supports more/all of the raw types, it will never be a real 'pro' application imho

    I'm using it for my JPEG stuff but I do wish it would support the RAW files from my Fuji S3 :(

    uzi submachine gun. toy uzi sub-machine gun
  • toy uzi sub-machine gun

  • liavman
    Apr 27, 10:02 AM
    Thanks Palter. Based on all your input, I booked my ticket on a 7 P.M. flight. Hopefully I can leave Moscone by 5 P.M. and make it. I assume it will take a bit longer than usual at that time of the day to get to San Francisco International Airport -SFO ( Google says half an hour with traffic )

    uzi submachine gun. Kick UZI Submachine Gun.
  • Kick UZI Submachine Gun.

  • wake8260
    Mar 24, 03:17 PM
    None of the stores around me (10+ stores) have the 16gb in stock. Any of you considering the 32GB for $399?

    May 6, 08:59 PM
    Except of course, the Unix backend that powers OS X also powers ATM machines, practically every cellphone, a lot of cars, and many other servers/embedded devices as well.

    No, it doesn't. The Unix backend that powers OS X is pretty much Apple built by now (Darwin/XNU don't at all ressemble their ancestors) and I don't think Apple is a SysV licensee, so they don't share any code from most commercial Unix systems.

    The only thing they share with those other Unix systems is having passed the certification suite from The Open Group.

    However I do agree with you that the other guy doesn't really have a clue. Windows is about as flexible as a concrete slab and as versatile as a blade of grass in the networking arena. The only reason it's so widespread in the server arena is because you need to multiply the number of installations just to get a working LDAP directory that resists logon requests from 5 client boxes. Meanwhile, any commercial Unix worth its salt can serve up many times more requests from a single box, while consolidating other services as well.

    ATMs might run Windows, but the backend they connect to is a Unix system (and actually, my bank here still uses some version of OS/2 Warp for their ATMs, something I found out after finding a DoS bug in the card reader that crashed their software and forced a reboot).

    Sep 26, 02:54 AM
    I guess Apple has a problem with the free advertising, for some reason. Being associated with new technology like podcasting seems like something Apple would like to foster.

    Would they prefer them to be called 'Zune-casts' ???

    I'm with ya, Onizuka!

    You know what? There was an ex-MTV VJ that made his own show using a Powerbook and two mics and he called it "Podcasting." There was an issue of Wired Magazine with him on the cover damn near two years ago. People were using the term "podcast" before Apple did. Apple has no right to do thsi to teh people who've made their player the most successful MP3/Portable Media device EVER.

    *kicks steve jobs in the nuts for allowing this*

    Sep 21, 08:55 PM
    ....snip.... They placed a hold on my order until Tuesday while verifying my educational status, then sent me a notice the next day (Wednesday) telling me that my order is being processed.....snip...

    How did they verify your educational status? I've ordered 3 personal computers from Apple over the years, but I don't ever remember having to verify my educational status as a teacher.

    Nov 14, 09:37 AM
    I wonder if British Airways and Qantas wil offer this. After all it's one up on Zune.

    Oct 9, 04:17 PM
    Just what can Target say? "If you allow Apple do do something that might cut into out DVD sales we will intentionally sell fewer DVD" Kind of like holding a gun to your head threatening to shoot.

    Good analogy, except it's also like the guy holding the gun to his own head is worth millions of dollars to the person he's making the threat to (the threat to shoot himself). So the person he's making the threat to has to ask, is this guy rational, or no? If not, maybe it would be best to placate him. However, if you think he's going to act in his own self interest, call his bluff.

    I doubt Target would go through with any kind of threat, since it only makes sense to retaliate if you think it will affect future behavior (hurting yourself once may be worth it if it's going to make your future threats more believable). Ahh, I love game theory. But what future behavior is Target going to care about affecting? Do they foresee several similar battles with the movie studios that might turn their way if they carried out this threat?

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