Tuesday, May 24, 2011

happy easter clip art black and white

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  • Abstract
    Apr 10, 08:02 PM
    Wow. There are still people who think the answer is 2? I'll check back later, but please remember that not everyone is good at maths. Let it be. :p

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  • henrikrox
    Apr 18, 05:23 PM
    So disappointed in how mac rumors is turning out. There is just good stuff about apple. Nothing about the 7% down in stock the last 16 days.

    Bah. Macrumors have gotten so terrible and flooded with people with anger problems and not enough mods to filter stuff.

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  • Andronicus
    Mar 28, 10:34 AM
    A 'perfect' devices with a bad antenna design? Sorry, but I wouldn't touch the iPhone 4 because of its antenna design flaws and won't get an iPhone until Apple corrects that. Hardly perfect. Perfect for YOU maybe..

    Have you ever used an iPhone 4 to justify your claims? Or are you just basing your decision on reports from the media vs real use?

    I've had an iPhone (2G), iPhone 3GS, and now an iPhone 4. They have all dropped calls. The first gen iPhone dropped them most, the 3G improved and didn't drop as many and the iPhone 4 improved upon that.

    Don't read everything you read.

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 4, 01:55 PM
    Duh, I mean what advantage would 64-bit processors & software over 32-bit?

    what do you mean, with 64-bit software or 32-bit software?

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Aug 7, 04:18 PM
    ProMac is a workstation, Consumer is still king though and I suspect something new the next few months because Mini aint enough and ProMac is a beast. Still waiting for my Cube Jobs:D

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  • huntson
    May 4, 05:43 PM
    Old news. I knew this three weeks ago and I send an anonymous email to these idiots and of course they ignored it

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  • iliketyla
    Mar 29, 02:50 PM
    Foxconn is Taiwanese.

    The plant with mass rates of suicide is in China.

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  • thisisahughes
    Mar 27, 07:46 AM
    I think this rumor can be readily discredited.

    Apple has been trying for a few years now to streamline product updates so that they happen like clockwork once per year.

    The past few macbook pro updates have been in the spring/late winter, macbooks are seemingly being updated prior to the Back to School deal, iPods are updated in September towards the end of the student sale, iPhones have launched in June every year, iPad and iPad 2 both began selling in the spring, and while iMacs haven't had a clear pattern emerge yet, it appears to be coalescing around 1 year and I think it's safe to say that as time goes on, a yearly cycle will become dominant.

    Despite the news of Lion being almost ready (or ready) for Golden Master, I think it's more probable that Lion is put on hold until iOS 5 is ready to launch as happened with Leopard and to a much lesser extent, Snow Leopard. Apple makes far more money and gets far more worldwide press from the iOS family than it does the OS X lineup. At this point, not launching an iPhone and a new OS for it in June would go against 4 years of pattern and practice, and would cause too much negative publicity, especially in the face of a constantly evolving market where a few months of lag time can cost a company vital market share and mindshare.

    wow. perfect.

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  • hobo.hopkins
    Apr 23, 05:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_6 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E200 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wow, that App Store icon devoured my whole screen (MBP 13)

    Yeah. Barely fits on my screen and i have a 24" inch imac.

    it would be sick to have a 30" retina ACD. /dream

    Yeah a 1024 x 1024 icon is amazing considering I would bet a significant amount of 1024 x 768 monitors are still being used. Imagine not being able to view an icon in its entirety on a five-year-old monitor!

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  • callmemike20
    Apr 19, 02:22 AM
    Where is this "extreme left" of which you speak? The furthest left we have in government is probably Dennis Kucinich, who is really barely left of center, AFAICT. The problem is that we have people who think compromise means " Just do what we want any nobody gets hurt." rollercoasters belong in the funpark, not the capitol.

    Please forgive me for being crass, but your math, you have to buy me a new calculator, it made my old one explode. ;)

    That 5 billion was supposed to be the total government debt, not just the debt for the current year. I just never got around to using it in my example.

    EDIT: You can also say that we don't have an extreme right since no right congressman is proposing total anarchy or privatization of the police departments. It's all relative to the country we are in. I am aware that there are further left people in other countries. There are also countries that allow the cutting off of hands for small crimes. Would we allow an idea like that in this country? I don't think so.

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  • MacApple21
    Apr 7, 10:20 AM
    So, what is Apple doing with a bunch of 7" touch screens, since Jobs said "7 inch tablets are dead on arrival"?

    I also don't recall RIM ever giving a date before April 19th.

    Well, perhaps it's not 7" screens Apple is buying, but production capacity, which consequently hinders competitors from having their orders produced.

    happy easter clip art black and white. easter bunny clipart black and
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  • Euphonious
    Mar 27, 10:29 AM
    With AT&T's network running SO slow at times, I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT INSTALL an update which make me use the server farm for streaming my own media.

    A lot of people need to calm down.

    Do you really think that the cloud update is going to stop you playing media that's already on your phone? Do you think Apple's just going to drop the internal memory?

    The cloud option will be just that - an option. You'll still be able to store music and video on your phone. The cloud stuff just extends the possibilities.

    happy easter clip art black and white. happy easter clip art black
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  • wclyffe
    Jan 6, 02:47 PM
    Mine didn't rattle... but the audio output was dropping out, so I had to return mine. It took ~ 3 weeks to get the replacement.

    Thanks for the info. I seem to have a bit of play in the part of the dock that rotates. Just holding the car kit in my hands there is play in this part of the mechanism so when I'm on the road its rattling all the time. You don't have this issue? Everything else seems to work so I'm hesitant to send it back as I might get one that's worse!

    happy easter clip art black and white. happy easter clip art lack
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  • Al Coholic
    Apr 7, 10:46 AM
    Just because Apple has a lot of money to buy things does not make them a monopoly.


    LOL! So Apple's ability to control a consumer market is a good thing? Tell me you're not that naive.

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  • DocNYz
    Nov 2, 03:37 PM
    We use Sophos at work and love it! Can't wait to start using it at home too.

    just out of curiosity, what type of work?

    happy easter clip art black and white. happy easter clip art black
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  • McGiord
    Apr 10, 06:38 PM
    But the average American gets a refund soooooo 288 clearly wins lol

    Less is more, and more is less when to taxes you refer...

    If you have a big refund, it means that you pay too much, so you are not being very good at your day to day application of math.

    Also when you say American do you refer to any citizen in the American continent or just the people that was born in the United States of America?

    Either way an American receiving a big tax refund means that a lot of his (or her) money was better used by the government than what he (or she) could have done with it. Taking us back to the same subject: poor application of Math skills.:o

    In the USA, you always have a second chance to file an amendment. So if you fail doing your math, you have a second chance..Something very well thought for those who follow the PEMDAS.

    happy easter clip art black and white. happy easter clip art black
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  • thefunkymunky
    Aug 4, 04:35 AM
    So. Errm. I have a question.

    I have a MBP as in my sig. Actually that is the second one I have. First one got damaged by Apple, this second one is currently with Apple and has been for the last 4 weeks. It only went in to repair the fried BT.

    Anyway. Since buying my first MBP in February and receiving the replacement in June which is now back with Apple. I have only had around 4 weeks usuage out of my machine and to this date I am still not using my MBP I originally purchased in February. Every time I call Apple to ask where my machine is they tell me that it will be with me the following week.

    So what are the chances of Apple upgrading me to a new Merom MBP eh. What you think?:confused:

    happy easter clip art black and white. happy easter clip art lack
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  • jowie
    Apr 21, 06:05 PM
    I would hazard a guess that the thinner facade suggests a lack of optical media drives, or if it does have one, a vertical slot-loader. But I think what with flash drive or Internet distribution, optical media drives aren't really needed any more, even on a Pro machine.

    My 2 cents!

    happy easter clip art black and white. happy easter clip art black
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  • Icaras
    Apr 21, 02:37 PM
    Very interesting....

    Jul 29, 09:29 PM
    Up until about a year or so ago, Cingular used to have the worst network. And the Verizon network was mint. Great signal everywhere on earth and never lost a call. Now I have to try every call 4 times before it goes through. I'd rather see Apple buy up another carrier and own them. How much does a small cellular carrier cost to buy? :-)

    They wouldn't have to do that. You know ESPN Mobile, Boost Mobile, and AMP'd mobile? They are all "virtual" networks that lease bandwidth from other providers who actually have a physical network. These "virtual" wireless companies are called MVNOs. Apple could become an MVNO (and it has been rumored in the past that would do so), so that they could offer all the features they want, and ensure a consistent experience across the entire user base.

    Apr 5, 01:20 PM
    I don't see how Apple asking Toyota to take the theme down can be considered controlling or dominant by Apple? It's a question they could have said no. Unsurprisingly their relationship with Apple is more important than an ugly theme made with 30 minutes of Photoshop...

    Apr 21, 05:17 PM
    Just don't make it obsolete by removing any features. SP version could easily be smaller but the DP version is already small compared to others.

    The current case size is perfect imo. I know Apple likes their products to be as small and quiet as possible but you have to wonder if heat will be an issue with two six core processors in such a small case.

    Apr 21, 08:07 PM
    I need:
    8 Internal Bays.
    More PCIe Slots.
    Keep Dual Optical Bays.
    More Ram Slots.
    Built in Fibre Channel (This is a stretch)
    That should be a MacPro. What you guys want is that magic headless iMac. I want more, not less.
    Working in Video I need the most horsepower possible. 32 Cores would be nice.

    At home I can live with my iMac, but editing on it is a pain. A MiniMacPro might work there, but it will still cost 2k and people will bitch.
    For work I can justify spending $8,000 on a high powered PRO machine.

    I want to know what type of video you are doing because we sure don't need that and we do high end video editing for National Geographic/Discovery/Smithsonian.

    Unless you are doing Hollywood stuff, I see no need for half the stuff you listed.

    More internals and PCIE slots? For what? Almost all of our clients are delivering tapeless now and on externals. Dual optical bays? Seriously? Fibre is a must if you are in a post house.

    Please leave the dual super drives Apple! We pros still need those to author DVDs!

    Seriously? We also do full DVD high end hollywood type authoring at my facility (have been for 10+ Years) and Blu-Ray authoring and we have no need for internal optical super drives.

    You guys seriously need to unhinge yourselves from those internal drives...lol :)

    Apr 18, 02:51 PM
    Pretty textbook case of biting the hand that feeds you here, even if Samsung business units are separated.

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