Sunday, May 22, 2011

eagle globe and anchor tattoo

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  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 13, 11:52 PM
    I don't mind. More time to enjoy the 4 :)


    i have spent way too much ��� on apple this year

    dangerous addiction (is apple)

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  • eastercat
    May 5, 02:50 AM
    This issue pops up for me too. Are you JB too?

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  • chris200x9
    Mar 17, 03:57 PM
    The event in itself is incredibly despicable and very sad, but to add insult to injury by saying something unbelievably stupid and downright mean? Seriously do these people think before they speak? All I can say is wtf is wrong with people.

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  • wingnut8
    Mar 9, 10:59 PM
    I was planning on getting there around 3ish. Hope it's early enough.

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  • SupremeTeam
    Oct 2, 06:09 PM
    just a pic of my favorite clothing company :D

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  • satcomer
    Mar 23, 09:59 AM
    Maybe he is getting out before the hyper inflation on the US dollar happens. :(

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  • Ace 7
    Aug 3, 03:17 PM
    Love me sum Inception.

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  • fimtisher
    Apr 7, 03:19 PM
    Would love to see a bluetooth joystick. Classic. Not looking forward to the palm blisters, though.

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  • Ohnevah
    Apr 28, 06:15 PM
    Sorry I didn't know where else to post this, but is it true we need to buy an iPhone 4 white with a Contract?

    I just talked to a ATT rep and he said they don't sell them without contract? Is that true?

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  • icedd
    Aug 6, 10:37 AM
    thats really nice .. how did you do that ? the movies dir and stuff

    Candybar, Slipcover, and changing the Finder back;)ground!

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  • wilheldp
    Apr 28, 06:21 AM
    I was really excited about the Verizon iPhone because I absolutely hate AT&T. I had Verizon for 7 years, and never dropped a single call. But I switched to AT&T when the iPhone 3GS came out, and now I drop the call on about 90% of the calls I make (no joke).

    When the Verizon iPhone was announced, I was planning to decide whether to pay the ETF to AT&T and switch immediately, or wait until June when my contract was up. When I saw that the Verizon iPhone was just the iPhone 4 with a new wireless chip, it made my decision to wait a little easier.

    That was Apple's first attempt at stretching the life of the iPhone 4, and apparently, people didn't bite (since CDMA phone sales didn't meet expectations). Now, they are making their second stab at extending the life of the iPhone 4 by finally releasing the white models. The problem is that they are trying to get longevity out of a design that was heavily flawed to begin with. Not only does the death grip reduce signal strength, but Apple is stubbornly refusing to integrate LTE.

    I will not make the switch back to Verizon until Apple releases an iPhone with a 4G chip in it AND completely re-designs the antenna so that I can hold the phone any way I damn well please and still have good signal. It looks like I may not get that until September or Q1 2012. Well, so be it.

    Apple is starting to get the attitude that they cannot make a mistake, and Android device makers are capitalizing on Apple's arrogance.

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  • mif
    Dec 2, 04:50 PM
    girl, girls...

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  • Apple OC
    Mar 28, 03:10 PM
    Contract Termination By Fraud
    A contract can be terminated by what is referred to as "fraud in the inducement." Fraud in the inducement occurs where a party intentionally misleads the other party into entering the contract. For example, a party lies about the subject of the contract and the other party relies upon the statement and agrees to the contract. This misleading action can terminate the contract.

    Do us all a favor and stay in school. You aren't going anywhere in the real world as a lawyer.


    well said iApples ... this guy StratocasterDan seems to think he is smart ... he has a lot to learn in life

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  • plinden
    Apr 6, 01:25 PM
    that's what I'm thinking... to support a iTunes cloud and new mobileme services, I would expect exabytes... Doesn't seem that big of an order.

    See below.

    Have you ever heard of deduplication?

    Exactly - assuming Apple stores everything in HD + SD @ 2GB/hour of HD and 1GB/hour of SD, that's over 4 million hours of video (since 1PB = 1048567GB).

    If iTunes goes 1080p, it would likely be stored as about 4-5GB/hour + SD, or about 2.5 million hours of video.

    If (and it's a big if) this is open to iTunes subscribers, it will likely be only for content you buy off iTunes, so there will be no duplication.

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  • g^3
    Dec 17, 10:05 AM
    PM me if the deal falls through, I'm very interested.

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  • zen.state
    Apr 9, 10:12 AM
    is there a way i can install itunes 10.2 without getting osx 10.5?

    No. You should upgrade to 10.5 anyway since you use it as a file server and 10.5 has much better local networking capability and a built in VNC client to remotely control it from your other Macs.

    For your needs 10.5 makes a lot of sense.

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  • gugy
    Nov 20, 01:11 PM
    Don't hold your breath, at least we haven't heard anything about CDMA

    true, my days with Verizon are counting down. My contract expires in February anyway. So I hope to see an iPhone by then.

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  • 2high2aim
    May 5, 04:42 PM
    Btw I am really getting into the 240/260 Z cars, I want one so bad as a project car.

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  • Jill1228
    Jun 20, 01:59 PM
    There is already a thread here ( :)

    Feb 8, 11:45 PM
    Changed up the icons a bit since the first of the month. The wallpapers are still on a rotation of about 30 HD natural images however. Most, if not all from interface lift. =)

    Apr 13, 07:03 PM
    No such thing. You'd need an adaptor.

    Jul 12, 09:55 AM

    we're witnessing a major paradigm shift in the music industry, to the likes of when television switched from BW to Color.

    Dec 18, 11:24 AM

    What is Einstein@Home?

    The screensavers are being developed for Linux, Windows and Mac operating systems.

    Albert Einstein discovered long ago that we are adrift in a universe filled with waves from space. Colliding black holes, collapsing stars, and spinning pulsars create ripples in the fabric of space and time that subtly distort the world around us. These gravitational waves have eluded scientists for nearly a century. Exciting new experiments will let them catch the waves in action and open a whole new window on the universe - but they need your help to do it!

    Einstein@Home is a project developed to search data from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational wave Observatory (LIGO) in the US and from the GEO 600 gravitational wave observatory in Germany for signals coming from rapidly rotating neutron stars, known as pulsars. Scientists believe that some pulsars may not be perfectly spherical, and if so, they should emit characteristic gravitational waves, which LIGO and GEO 600 will begin to detect in coming months.

    Gravitational waves are ripples in the fabric of space and time produced by events in our galaxy and throughout universe, such as black hole collisions, shockwaves from the cores of exploding supernovas, and rotating pulsars. These ripples in the space-time fabric travel toward Earth, bringing with them information about their origins, as well as invaluable clues to the nature of gravity.

    Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in his general theory of relativity, but only now in the 21st Century has technology advanced enough for scientists to detect and study them. Although gravitational waves have not yet been detected directly, their influence on a binary pulsar (two neutron stars orbiting each other) has been measured accurately, and was found to be in good agreement with original predictions. Joseph Taylor and Russell Hulse shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physics for their studies in this field.

    Feb 2, 08:14 AM
    Both monitors are on a rotation of HD nature wallpapers like these ones. =)

    And yes that weather is accurate. Lots of snow and cold here in the Northeast. :cool: It was -23 a week ago, so Im feelin' toasty,

    what's the weather app call, i like to have something similar on my 2nd screen, thanks...

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