Sunday, May 22, 2011

blackberry playbook tablet release date

blackberry playbook tablet release date. BlackBerry#39;s launch of its own
  • BlackBerry#39;s launch of its own

  • itcheroni
    Apr 15, 11:10 AM
    I'll only add to what mcrain wrote by saying that what you're describing is a race to the bottom. If capital gains taxes were so corrosive, every government should logically keep them at 0%. Is that really the logical conclusion you'd like to make with this line of reasoning?

    Investors have already been investing in Asian markets for decades, and it has nothing to do with taxes; it has everything to do with how rapidly those markets have been growing over the past 40 years.

    Keep in mind I'm not saying what things should be (I believe everything moves in cycles which cannot be avoided). I'm just saying the presumed benefits and consequences of higher taxes are misunderstood. It is always a race to the bottom/race to the top (depending on your perspective; "bottom" carries with it a negative connotation. if someone were arguing for a "race to the bottom" he has already lost rhetorically). Why has America had a history of immigrants coming to seek prosperity? Every rising nation has a wild west phase.

    To answer your question, any country that genuinely wants to improve their economy, as well as the lives of its citizens, would have 0% taxes on capital gains, income, and corporations. Most countries don't do this, not because it isn't true, but because it isn't human nature. Politicians seek power, approval, legacy, etc., all of which require taking money and spending it.

    Now, I finally get to use the phrase "beg the question" in its correct meaning (a pet peeve of mine; Jon Stewart and Conan O'Brien always use it incorrectly). Saying that investors are investing in Asia because of growth and nothing to do with taxes, is merely begging the question. Didn't I mention in my previous post that taxes hamper growth? China was a communist country, in effect, a 100% tax. Call me crazy, but I think the change in that tax rate has contributed significantly to China's growth. Hong Kong was one of the first regions in Asia to grow. Let me give you one guess why Hong Kong has been an economic powerhouse for several decades now.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. BlackBerry PlayBook Coming To
  • BlackBerry PlayBook Coming To

  • daveL
    Aug 4, 02:59 PM
    Intel said they expect Merom-based machines to be available for purchase toward the end of August. What's this about Apple receiving a large shipment of CPUs in September? They'd be a month behind the rest of the market by the time they started delivering systems. Intel said they were shipping Merom when they announced their earnings for last quarter.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. With the tablet still pending
  • With the tablet still pending

  • darrens
    Aug 4, 06:16 PM
    Afterall it's just a couple lines of code. :D

    Shouldn't be much code - the Adobe apps are already cross platform so there shouldn't be many endian issues to sort out. It's just a matter of changing development environments to use XCode and re-testing.

    Not simple, but not something that should take almost 2 years either.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. A release date for the
  • A release date for the

  • 3N16MA
    Apr 26, 03:29 PM
    This is not surprising and I'm sure Apple knew this day would come. Android is available on multiple handsets from multiple manufactures. Different price points, form factors, and even different looks with skins. The iPhone will continue to outsell any single Android phone and Apple will gain massive profits from it.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. BlackBerry PlayBook BlackBerry
  • BlackBerry PlayBook BlackBerry

  • kingtj
    Mar 28, 10:02 AM
    Apple has been repeatedly bashed for focusing too much on iOS devices, to the detriment of their core computer product line. (They took people off of working on OS X to finish fixing things on the iPad, etc. etc.)

    Now, it sounds like they're trying to bring the focus back to the Mac again for a little while, and people are complaining??

    Why would you feel a need to get a new cellphone every single year? Contracts tend to run 2 years, discouraging you from upgrading that often anyway. But regardless, all of the recent "smartphones" I've seen are built well enough so they'll easily hold up for a good 2 years of use. All of the things I'd really need to do on a mobile phone will work fine next year, just the way they work this year. Even if you're just hung up on having "the latest thing"? If Apple delays release of the iPhone 5, then the 4 remains the "latest thing" from them for a while longer.

    More to the point of the original topic though? I can definitely see why this WWDC would be a critical one, in many ways, to talk about a lot of software changes! Apparently, the Linux community is rapidly switching over their software to the "GPL3" license, which has a lot of "gotchas" in it that try to restrict what commercial businesses can do with the code. Essentially, they're trying to keep companies like Apple from benefiting from their free, open-source projects, and keep them for Linux users instead. The Apache web server is moving to a GPL3 license, for example, as is the gcc compiler and Samba.

    Apple has to start moving to alternate products for all of this core functionality and get developers up to speed on the changes, or we're in for a LOT of reduced functionality in future OS X versions.

    That's just getting complacent in my opinion, people like myself like changing phones yearly, no new iPhone means no return business, I'll try something else instead, bad move if true.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. lackberry playbook
  • lackberry playbook

  • ChristianJapan
    May 4, 05:13 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    +1 For henry72's proposal via firmware:

    Had the same thought... Get a hot key into the firmware to connect to the official App Store with network settings flexible (eg IP setting; Router etc). Then all the setup can be done from the net.
    For power user and enterprises I could imagine to be able to support an own App Store within your network to avoid re-downloading. Similar to the enterprise AppStore for iOS.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. To date, Research In Motion
  • To date, Research In Motion

  • DTphonehome
    Jul 30, 09:20 AM
    Even so, the USA is in dire need of a decent cell phone. The fact that the Razr is so popular says it all. The Razr is a terrible phone (along with most other Motorolas for that matter). And the rest of the selection available is pretty sad too!

    It's true...but I don't see it changing anytime soon. Americans are used to getting free or cheap phones when they sign up for a carrier contract. The carriers subsidize the cost so that expensive phones can be had for <$200. They RARELY pay full retail price ($300-$700) on a phone...mainly only when they break theirs and still have time on their contract. The way I understand it, the rest of the world pays full retail everytime they want a new phone. Is this right?

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. new lackberry playbook tablet
  • new lackberry playbook tablet

  • Peace
    Jul 30, 10:32 PM
    The Verizon Chocolate cellphone is made by LG Electronics of Korea.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. BlackBerry PlayBook hints for
  • BlackBerry PlayBook hints for

  • mikeapple
    Mar 26, 11:21 PM
    I truly believe who EVER said there will be a 3rd iPad in the fall actually pulled it out of their a**.... like kids, just can't wait and be patient. Now that person has got everyone thinking their will be an iPad 3 in the fall

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. They know that Blackberry is
  • They know that Blackberry is

  • twoodcc
    Aug 3, 11:20 PM
    I always expected the four existing lines to go merom. It's pretty much a firmware update away from using existing hardware and the form factors used are more geared towards lower power chips.

    this might be likely, but i doubt it right away and all at the same time

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. BlackBerry PlayBook tablet
  • BlackBerry PlayBook tablet

  • Zombie Acorn
    May 7, 01:40 AM
    So, ask for 'half a kilo'. Problem solved. :)

    Sounds like a drug order to me.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is
  • BlackBerry PlayBook tablet is

  • Raidersmojo
    Jul 30, 07:07 AM
    Iphone? I just can't see it... It will kill their ipod sales - it will be like shooting themselves in the foot. The reason is that all phones are now free with a contract - we have difficulty in having any value in our phones nowadays.. if you had a free iphone with a contract which had ipod facilities then why would you buy an ipod? It just doesnt make sense.. unless they ONLY sell it sim free. If they do bring one out then i'll certainly buy one, but I am not sure that it is such a good idea... I'd rather they produced a phone/pda hybrid like the xda - I think that this would fit better into their existing product portfolio..

    or most people (like me) want to carry around one device that will do everything, I could listen to music but when I need to I'd grab it and make a call. in the future everything is going to come in one product, apple is seeing the future now and jumping in it feet first

    just imagine microsoft "here is the zune! it has wifi! hey hey haaaaaaay" enter steve jobs "heres the award winning ipod...oh by the way ring ring ring it's a phone, PDA, carries files, and has bluetooth"
    microsoft " least we have vista!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    jobs: "when?"
    microsoft "isn't the zune great!"

    and how would it kill ipod sales? more than likely it would take the place of something such as the shuffle.

    and they are taking away from ipod sales...yeah from themselves thats like saying the macbooks are taking sales away from the macbook pros...does it really matter? all looks the same at the quarterly report $$$$$$

    if I had the iphone my way it'd have these features

    able to sync to my mac with ical ect
    a easy to use interface
    video ichat...this could be a cool idea, the camera isn't to big on the laptops and what not, they could squeeze that into the enclosure and have mobile video'd be'd be a wholel new way to have phone sex at least :eek: :D ;)
    firm feel
    sexy look
    and a good keypad I HATE the keypad on the razr and such

    I wish they'd release a phone like the iTalk commercial, I don't like the dual flip though, have that as a normal flip phone and you are right on the money about a BA product (badass)

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. The BlackBerry PlayBook has
  • The BlackBerry PlayBook has

  • peharri
    Aug 2, 03:29 PM
    "So, with the new Core 2 Duo based Xserve, and Leopard's November release, this is going to be the best year for Macintosh ever. One last thing. I'd like you to take a look at this."

    As Steve says this, a flunky wheels a large object covered by a black sheet onto the stage, and then departs. Steve smiles at the crowd, winks, and then lifts the sheet off with the flair of a magician. The audience goes "Woo" at what appears to be a huge, glowing, apple.

    "It's really neat isn't it? The surface isn't glass, it's actually solid man-made diamond. That's right. Diamond. The light inside is generated by passing electricity through a gas field generating plasma."

    Sparks appear to fly from the center of the apple - four feet high excluding stem and just as wide - to the sides, while the center flows different colours... red, blue, red again, green, white, bright bright white, the apple suddenly "turns off" but then begins to glow red again. The apple hums and occasionally crackles.

    "Now, the stem of the apple is actually titanium plated, and you can reposition it in any direction you want. And, of course, it's low power, the entire apple uses less electricity than a night light. It's controlled using Airport. Let me demonstrate."

    Steve walks to the computer console while the audience begins to get puzzled and restless.

    "You can make the entire thing green just by clicking on a button... there"

    The apple turns green, varying the shades between the very dark and the black. Lightning continues to spark from the center to the sides.

    "Good for you who like granny-smiths. We can also make a golden delicious..."

    ...the apple turns yellow. There's a crackling noise, but it's somehow comforting.

    "...or even go for red."

    The apple flashes red, and then changes back to random colours. Finally, a click of a mouse, and the colours line up into stripes, reminding everyone of the classic Apple logo. There is confused applause from the audience.

    "We have these in a variety of sizes. You can get this four foot model for just $399, from the Apple Store right now. Yes, we're selling it today, in sizes of 3 feet, four feet, and eight feet. Thanks for coming to see us today, see you next year!"

    With that, the master salesman leaves the stage, his audience stunned.

    Within minutes, the entire first run of 1,500,000 4' apples is completely sold out.

    By Christmas, the entire country will have huge glowing apples in every home.

    By July, apples will be exchanged as a symbol of peace. Iraqis will proudly have huge glowing apples placed on every home, symbolising the return to tranquility in that forsaken region.

    In Apple will withdraw the iPod. Nobody needs it any more. Nobody wants it. A huge, useless, glowing apple will be all anyone will want.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. The BlackBerry PlayBook goes
  • The BlackBerry PlayBook goes

  • Ed Andrews
    Nov 7, 03:06 PM
    1-the most useful function of av software for me is the ability to identify corrupt files [an unintended effect]

    when the program scans a disk it attempts to open every file.
    if a file has a bad resource or data fork it throws up an error
    gives you a chance to find a good copy
    works on archives too, but not disk images

    i find this very useful, but have never seen it mentioned in any of these endless anti-av flame threads

    2-i have a large collection of ancient mac software
    these programs did get viruses [even on oem diskettes!]
    virusbarrier helped me find and correct several infected files
    [although it mistakenly identified an early system file as a virus! fortunately i had a backup!]

    virusbarrier plays well with my g4 mac. reasonably fast, low processor use, and ok to keep installed. [very stingy with updates though]

    norton works well and has generous updates, but even having it installed on my machine causes serious problems [even when it's turned off!]. and it eats process cycles for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    clam av is free, and has identified some pc files as infected, but it never caught the ancient virii that vb found. it runs a LOT slower than vb on my mac.

    most interesting to me is the fact that all 3 programs give different results!

    for me, virus scanning is a once in a great while thing, and of the 3 above virusbarrier is best.

    what puzzles me is that i have a bunch of small pc files from the net which i am convinced are malware [exact same files with wildly different names]. none of the above agree with me.

    i will give sophos a try and see what happens.
    they really push a lot of fud on their site tho

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. tablet release date,
  • tablet release date,

  • Unspeaked
    Aug 11, 04:24 PM
    The MacBook is a "consumer" model. The Pro is for the "Professional", although I'm some sort of a "professional", and my MacBook suits me just fine. (I liked the form factor and the keyboard.) Stuffed with 2G of RAM and a 100G 7.2K drive it runs OS X, Windows & CentOS (via Parallels desktop) just fine. It's like a digital Swiss Army knife - I haven't found much it can't do reasonably well. :o

    I second this opinion.

    There's nothing I've hit that a MacBook can't handle as well as I was hoping for, and most things it does even quicker than I thought it would.

    And I'm in that "sort of pro" catagory, as well.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. lackberry-playbook-tablet
  • lackberry-playbook-tablet

  • bowens
    Sep 11, 01:24 PM
    this is probably old news but meh, what the hell:

    Nobody else seems interested, so they must have already seen it, but I have not. That's pretty interesting.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. the PlayBook until launch,
  • the PlayBook until launch,

  • Popeye206
    Apr 6, 06:29 PM
    Also, it is interesting that Android 2.2 makes up the largest percentage of OS's out there in use.

    Can't Android users upgrade to the latest OS? 2.3.3 is the latest phone OS.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. RIM#39;s BlackBerry PlayBook may
  • RIM#39;s BlackBerry PlayBook may

  • Gatesbasher
    Apr 6, 05:29 PM
    100,000 seems about right. You have to consider what the potential market would be.

    For years it was: "Apple must make a tablet or they're DOOOOOMED!!!!" As soon as they did, the same people were screaming about how it couldn't run Final Cut Pro�"Epic Fail!!! LOLZZZ!!!"

    Then when the iPad started selling like hotcakes, they had to start touting every sort-of-similar contraption that came down the pike, even though they do the same kind of things the iPad does and they were already on record bitching about what a worthless device the iPad was.

    Anybody who thinks that they are then going to run out and spend >$800 for something they've already ridiculed in advance needs to take a reality pill.

    That's assuming they have any money to spend on it. The screamers aren't buyers�they're howler monkeys. The 100,000 units were probably sold to teenage boys (who got their parents to buy it for them, that is) who saw the commercials and said: "Cool! I wanna morph into a robot!" That market is probably saturated, and I don't think their parents are going to go for any of the fantabulous new tablets that are "coming soon"�not this year and probably not next year.

    blackberry playbook tablet release date. The BlackBerry PlayBook is set
  • The BlackBerry PlayBook is set

  • taylorc
    Sep 15, 09:19 PM
    Could you bump that up if you called back and did the overnight gig?

    Just curious.

    My friend (an apple employee) used his discount and ordered for me at the store. I don't think he ever asked me about shipping, I assumed it was standard for every consumer.

    I can see an extra week to added on to throw in an extra gig and ship from China, not NINE days! Either way it will be here and in the meantime I'll HOPE FOR THE BEST, and expect yonah.

    May 4, 03:40 PM
    Fine. Seems like a logical move, but if Apple wants me to foot part of the bill for distributing their software (via my paid Internet connection) then I certainly expect a significant cut in the cost of the upgrade.

    If you drive to the store to buy it instead, should they pay for your gas?

    If you order it online, should they pay you for the bit of bandwidth that you used up in placing your order?

    Maybe you'll be eco-friendly and walk to the store instead? Bill 'em for new soles on your shoes!


    Apr 20, 07:11 AM
    This model promises to be one that many will pass on.

    I certainly will.

    Even though it's already well known that it will have a better antenna to fix the antennagate issue that most everyone denied.

    The lack of a fresh new look will keep me away, especially retaining the tiny screen. Seems like Apples coasting this time around.

    A faster processor? Big deal, who needs it, a waste of money just to pump up Apples coffers.

    A true disappointment, this one is. I was so eager to dump my antennagate special.

    It isn't even out yet, no confirmed specs and you are already done?

    You know that when ever you ass u me something you make an ass out of U and me :-)

    Apr 23, 04:39 PM
    anyone remember when screens were 1024x768? who would have imagined that now icons are 1024x1024... that icon is bigger than the total resolution of my first computer's display

    Howabout 800x600?... or even 64x44 (ZX81)! :eek:

    Apr 5, 02:28 PM
    Nothing wrong with a Scion there, buddy. ;)

    HA ha! Guess what my first new car was (when i turned 17) 05' Scion TC.

    The thing was underpowered, not great fuel econ, a fuel injection sensor went bad at 30k miles, the window motors got really slow quickly, the dash looked like Kabul after a while, and of course as soon as i bought did everyone else. It was a happy happy day when I got a used SAAB:) Sorry for the rant...SCIONS are just crappy cars...but i guess you get what you pay for :p

    Mar 30, 07:08 PM
    I can confirm that Preview 2 works w/ the 2011 MBPs.

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